Sunday, February 6, 2011

Head On- apply directly to the forehead!


Wow, talk about annoying right? If you watched this commercial enough though it could probably give you a headache and get you to go buy the product! Who knows if that was actually the intention while creating the ad, but by repeating the same sentence over and over, the audience definitely has that commercial now branded in their minds. Whether it is because of annoyance or not, critics say that bad publicity is better than no publicity! Think about how many dumb products become successful because of their out there or annoying commercials. People make fun of them all the time, but I own a Snuggie; that annoying commercial worked on me! And as dumb as a pillow pet sounds, I really want one of those too. I hear people mocking commercials all the time, but even though they're terrible commercials their name brands are being circulated around. Sometimes the more annoying the commercial, the more effective it will be!

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